Naturopathic Physician

Low Dose Immunotherapy

When I first heard of Low Dose Immunotherapy I was very fascinated by it.  Upon learning that it is a way to strengthen the immune system,  I had to try it, especially since I have spent a great deal of my life struggling with immune issues.  The big test was my mold sensitivity, something that was very difficult to manage living in the woods on wetlands.  It took a little time and patience, but once I found the dose that alleviated my sneezing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing, my quality of life improved significantly.


 Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI) was developed by Dr. Ty Vincent, MD to treat many chronic conditions, including Lyme and tick-borne illnesses, allergies, strep, and autoimmune diseases, to name a few.  LDI is a therapy that consists of extremely dilute solutions of antigens or allergens, combined with an enzyme called beta-glucoronidase, which works to attract lymphokines to attract a special group of T cells.  Once the solution is administered under the tongue, these T cells, known as  T regulator cells, are stimulated and suppress other types of T cells that are on overdrive, and instead reeducate them, allowing the body to accept the presence of whatever it considers to be the offender. By doing this, they are ultimately restoring, as well as creating anew, immune tolerance. The patient’s symptoms abate, and a healthier way of living can begin.