Naturopathic Physician

I Help My Patients Get Through Some of Their Most Difficult Times

Hi, I’m Dr. Veena Verma-Dzik, ND, FIAMA,  a board-certified Naturopathic Physician and certified medical acupuncturist, highly experienced in treating acute and chronic health conditions. I received my doctorate from the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine and received further training and certification in Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, MTHFR, and Lyme Disease. 

When people ask me why I became a Naturopathic physician, I tell them that I was searching for more. More ways to connect with my patients, to give them the answers and solutions to their health concerns, and give them the support they need.

From a very young age, I had health issues. I was a very allergic child, and remember being bandaged up to stop me from scratching at my eczema. As the years passed, more health issues surfaced. In my 20’s I developed cystic acne. At that time the correlation between skin conditions, food sensitivities and GI issues was unknown. And like a band-aid, I was prescribed an antibiotic and some topicals and it eventually went away.

What I discovered – the gut issues, my diet, the eczema, and the toll my thyroid was taking were all ultimately due to gluten and dairy intolerances and leaky gut. Over time, with dietary changes, and evidence-based supplement and herbal treatments, I beat all of these ailments. Today, I am living a much healthier, happier and energetic life.

I draw much of my expertise from personal experience, as well as from countless hours of research. I further my education through organizations including ILADS (The International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society), the Association for the Advancement of Restorative Medicine, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health, and many more. We are living in a time where complementary, alternative, and functional medicine have become highly evidence based. Being a science geek, I enjoy reading new studies and research on naturopathic medicine in peer-reviewed journals. These studies play a valuable role in the care of my patients.  It is through experiences with myself and with my loved ones that drew me to treat patients with Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses, chronic illnesses, and children and women’s health.

Effective therapies are important, but I also understand that my patients want to feel supported, cared for and know they have someone on their side who is going to listen to them and help them find themselves and their health once and for all.